Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sharing and Patriarchal Blessing

So last night Doug and I were talking about how shocked he is with how open I am with my thoughts on facebook, here, and our texts. Facebook I've kind of stopped sharing as much...because I realize no one cares so I'll leave a burp of what I feel. But I really use it for is a picture holder, and tell about my day if something exciting happens. My blog is my journal so I'm more likely to share my thoughts, feelings, and success here, since even though it's on the internet only two people read it or least that I know of. So I still feel that its protected, and I love reading what Celeste has to say about my thoughts...because sometime she can say something I really needed to hear, and she does it here. Now we also talked about what you share can be used against you and that is where my Patriarchal Blessing comes in...because both of the relationships I was in were very serious I shared my Patriarchal Blessing with them. The first one I really don't worry about since I know he'll never use it against me, and because I remember part of his, and its something I treasure. The second time was very interesting and different...I keep my blessing in a special notebook, which contains a lot of my priesthood blessings and other spiritual experiences. It's something I protect a lot, but I always have it with me when I travel. Last summer I took it to Utah with me, and when I got home I couldn't find it which worried me because I wasn't sure where I lost it. On the other hand, I knew my Patriarchal Blessing was in it's original envelope which means my address was in that notebook if it was lost in the airport. Not long after that I started dating and was engaged, so he wanted to read my blessing which I didn't have. He found out I could get a replacement one, so that is what I did. The day he gave it to me, since it was mailed to his address, I was barely given time to read it before he, and both of his children did. Which really bothered me then, but now I feel that my Patriarchal Blessing could be a weapon that he could use against me. So on some level I have a hard time reading it, now knowing that it is no longer protected...And as for my spiritual sister found it about the time we broke up, and brought it home for Christmas. It was so nice to know that it had been protected, because yes that would have been with me at that time. Since he didn't believe in secrets it could have been shared also. So I feel that Heavenly Father was protecting it very well, and after reading my Patriarchal Blessing last night I feel that the first paragraph answered my worries about it being a weapon, and I realized the more I read it and know it. Then in the future, I MIGHT be able to identify when it is being used against me, but only if I know what it says.

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