Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So, by changing her misconceptions 
She went in a new direction 
Miss Independent ~Kelly Clarkson

I really don't have much to say about those lines at the moment...but misconceptions are running in my head right now. I don't want to let Satan win, I want to change my direction so he can't win this battle. I'm tired of the same misconceptions in my head, I want to change the way I feel and think about some many things that hurt.  I want my focus to the truth of the situation, not the lies he keeps telling me. I've had enough lies to last me a VERY long time, all I want to hear now is just truths, even if they hurt. I want to hear Heavenly Fathers, gentle voice telling me what is right, instead of Satan's harsh voice lying to me. I want peace to reign inside my head, instead of chaos and confusion.

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