Monday, August 1, 2011

Clothes and Trust

After giving away 2 bags of clothes...I'm still packing too many clothes, that I MIGHT need someday. Despite the fact that I haven't worn them yet or at least very little. As I look around my room and at the stuff yet to pack I get so overwhelmed at what is left. I mean really how much do I need, and will I EVER use it. So I realized that I hold on to thing because what if, one day I need it. I'm not trusting Heavenly Father to provide for me now or even in the future. Yes, I can carry all of this junk I haven't used from one location to another, or I can let go of it TRUSTING that one day in the future it will appear when in need it and I'll be able to afford it then. It will make my move much lighter...and yes this doesn't just extend to household items.

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