Monday, July 18, 2011

Tumbleweed and this weekend

I've realized that I feel like tumbleweed always going somewhere but never being anywhere at the same time. When I look back at my life in the last two years: I've was in Orlando for 6-7 months for my internship, moved back to the farm for a semester, then the Brookston house for a semester, Utah for two weeks last summer that started in May and ended in well August. I could have stayed there but decided to go back to Indiana, then spent my last semester of school on the boat and in Michigan City, but then moved back to the farm in Nov. until now. I could be moving to Utah again for who knows how long until my sister gets a job in Fl., then I'll move there. Another reason I feel like Tumbleweed is in the last month I've made a trip to the Chicago Temple by myself, then one to Madison and back, and then back and forth again, all over the 4th of July weekend, and now I have driven to Rockford, IL, and later this week I'll be driving to close to Bloomington, IN. Can I say I'm ready to not have to make long trips for awhile. Or I feel like my brother and just shout TUMBLEWEED!!! with a warning that should be attached to it of going everywhere but no where. p.s. William shouted TUMBLEWEED, at the first tumbleweed he saw early in the morning while driving out to Utah, about 5 years ago.

This weekend was a Young Sexy Adult conference in Rockford, IL, that was highly suggested that I go to by my branch president. It was also suggested that I take the only other ysa from the branch and go, now my branch president knows that she and I are both my question was why send the two of us alone, that's just pointless, and the other question was WHY ROCKFORD??? there was a ysa conference in South Bend, IN, one in Michigan, and one in Indy, so WHY ROCKFORD???? So the first thing we did was go to the temple, which is one of the reasons he wanted us to go to begin with, since the other girl hadn't been in a while. While she did baptisms, I did sealing, because it was my fourth trip to the temple in a month and I had done everything else but sealings. As I was looking at my family file names, I realized that I had a ton of names that just needed to be sealed, and even printed more names, don't tell my sister, because all they needed also was to be sealed and all but three where ready and able to be sealed, right now. So I printed my names and had 4 to do baptisms for and a lot of sealings. When I got there they had a room full of sisters and I was asked if I had any daughter names and I said I did, so I handed those over and we got them ALL done. When we finished that batch and had a break, I mentioned that I had just printed of more names for sealings that day and could go get more daughters. I was told to go get those also, and we did ALL of those also. I almost felt bad, but no one else had family names, now I have a nice stack of just sons to be sealed and they'd be done also. I was completely shocked that I was able to get all of my girl names done, I figured I would be allowed to do just a few. As I listened to the sealing of a couple I was just extremely grateful that Heavenly Father stopped me from being sealed would have null and void to begin with and then broken at some other point of time anyway. Then Sat. was really just classes and there where a few things that stood out to me, but really nothing to great. Granted the class on personal revelation was interesting because it wasn't what you would think it would be about. The point of the class that the teacher was trying to get across was that everything is a 'type or meterfore' that leads back to Christ and the gospel. We had a key, and talked about how it could represent the Keystone of our religion, unlocking the door to the gospel, how the key is made to fit only one item which could go back to how there is only one way to Christ. We had a rubber band, we said talked about sealing powers and flexibility that God gives us, how the word band can be take back to the hymns. A Christmas light is so small but the light that one light can give off and cause darkness to leave. Match box and how by striking the match on the box causes friction while is what produces the flame, and how friction in our life makes our light stronger...and a few more items but the put was that he challenged us to everyday look at items around us and see how they are 'types' of Christ. Then he told us the more we do it the more personal revelation we will get out of it. So after the classes we made movies to go with our theme of Finding Ourselves in Lehi's Dream...and well our's was the best, of course.
Then we had free time and on the back of our program was a list of things to do, and the included shopping on that list there was a  David's Bridal underneath our shopping guide. While I realized and pointed out almost immediately to one of the girls there and we concluded that we where in Rockford, to meet Mr. Right and know it in the first day, then need to rush and I mean rush, rush, rush to David's Bridal and the Chicago Temple so we could be sealed that day since the temple is going to be closed for the next two weeks and we couldn't possibly wait THAT LONG!!! Of course underneath the shopping was other ideas of thing to do in Rockford so we concluded that they had even planned on us having one date before the mad dash to David's bad my wedding dress is in Bloomington, I didn't know I could need it this weekend or I somehow would have planned a trip done there to get it. lol.  Then a course came the dance or a very long time to be tortured and entertained at the same time. But Sunday really seemed to be the reason for me to be in Rockford...and this is after Amanda, the girl I drove there mentioned another reason, which I had already come to realize could be a possibility, and then turned around and told her that answer wasn't funny which had us both laughing. We had an amazing testimony meeting, where some of the ideas that hit me were: Why did you move here? (which is basically what Amanda and I kept asking each other ALL WEEKEND, so that made us laugh.) To become experts at what we do, even when we don't know what we're doing there. That Heavenly Father let us go where we want to go, and then helps us find our purpose for being there (which was a huge answer for me.) And just so much of what people said on of the speaker for Sacrament talked about Heavenly Father keeping a journal of events that happen and how our bad days that lead us back to Him or make us stronger, might be great days to Him because of that. I like the thought that He keeps a record of our lives...and just events. I could go on and on about bits of testimonies that touched me and maybe I will when I begin to remember more. Oh we're also told that how we build our boat (our lives), determines where we end up. And that there are only two types of people in Lehi's dream we need to worry about those that eat the fruit and then fall away because of the mocking from the great and spacious building, and those that eat the fruit and stay faithful, because those are the only two types we can be since we've already tasted the fruit. So we were told to keep eating of the fruit and we'll never fall away. I'm sure I'll say more over the next week as I remember more, but I'm going to stop for the moment and switch to another post and another thought.

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