Friday, July 29, 2011

Jets and Out Pour of Inspiration

One time this week, I was swimming in my aunt's pool and found the jet that blows the water into the pool.  As I looked at it, it reminded me of the out pour of inspiration of what is possible to us. There is a constant stream of communication from Heavenly Father down to us, all we have to do is listen, be prepare to receive it, be worthy of it, and be prepared to act upon it. As I floated around the pool it amazed how far you could be away from the jet, and yet it still is moving you around the pool, to me it seemed like once you receive inspiration and show that you doing your best to fulfill it the Holy Ghost will help do what needs to do. Then as I floated closer to the jet, I could just feel it surrounding my body, this what happens when the Holy Ghost is prompting you and guiding you. Now yes, you can block the jet of the pool, and the water is pushed in another direction, just as is inspiration, when you are unworthy of it, or when you just ignore it, the flow of commutation doesn't stop just because we're not listening, trust me I know. So we have to make sure we are always listen to the inspiration, and acting on the knowledge we receive.

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