Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My broken road

I was thinking about my past and realized that a year ago I was in Utah looking at wedding dresses for fun, and found an amazing one. Which I was very tempted to buy even though I didn't have a reason for purchasing it. If I had bought it I would have stayed in Utah for 6 months to have the dress completed, and who know what that would have lead to. Instead I came on and right a way started dating a older guy, who found me to be an easy target or so he thought. I believe we where playing a dangerous game of who's going to destroy who, which is what I think he was trying to do to me destroy me. Instead he realized that yes I let him have a lot of control over me, but I was still fighting him. So he gave up, and I homed back to the farm which is another mistake, because me being here last time didn't help so why would it this time. But this lead me to the repentance process, which I knew I would have to go through but I didn't want to do it where I was at because I don't feel like the bishop cared about me or noticed me. In March, I realized that my records were still in Michigan City, which were supposed to be move in Jan. so I could that branch president, who I know really well and knows he cared about me. Going through the repentance process, helped me understand that nothing is to big to be forgiven, and really how much it covers. In May, I got really sick the week before my graduation, and since I was coughing to the point of getting sick. I wasn't sure I could actually make it through graduation, so I asked for a blessing and basically what they said reminded me of the atonement and how Christ is willing to take upon him ALL of the things we hate or hurt us, like coughing to the point of getting sick and possibly missing out on graduation. Well I was able to go to graduation and made it through almost all of graduation without coughing, let alone getting sick. This broken path has also brought me to teaching Sunday School in Michigan City, and for the first time the stories are no more stories they are personal applications to my life and it's interesting watching how I see the stories now. Pres. Reyes encouraged me to drive to the Chicago Temple, for a Young Sexy Adult baptism session on my own, so I did an endowment session also. Then he also at the same time started encouraging me to go to a Young Sexy Adult conference in Rockford, IL, which I didn't want to do. And even up to last Tues. I wasn't sure I was going, then a friend told me to read an article out of the Ensign, and I read it and most of it in one day. And there was an article by the First Presidency was the one that told me I had to go, because I had promised to go, therefore; I was committed. So I went and to tell the truth I'm glad I did even if it was only for the conversation I had Sunday night, I think that alone was worth the 3.5 hrs drive.

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