Monday, July 18, 2011

Music, God and I

So at the dance I was basically yelled at by my mother for not dancing...and asked what the point of going was if I don't dance. But the point is that I never know when Heavenly Father will answer my prayers through music, and sometime I may only hear that song at a dance, though that wasn't the case this time. It was amazing I prayed a pray of letting go and letting God take over, and more letting go of the past. When not two songs later came the song God Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts, which is a song I've loved this time it just hit me again that I wouldn't be who I am today without all of the things I went through and mostly I was thing about the good times, but know that I have to let those go as well as the bad times, and truly move on. So after everything this weekend I ended up talking to a guy that I met this weekend, last night after I got home. That conversation made me realize that God/ the Holy Ghost talks to me through music...and I remember someone saying recently figure out how the Holy Ghost talks to you and learn the language so you can reply back. So this summer I've come to realize that even though I express myself better through music, and that by writing down my thoughts I'm able to really expand upon them more than I could by talking them out. So last night I put all of that information together and realized that if I want to express my thoughts to God, I need to do it by writing music. It's interesting that music has been on my mind a lot this summer now, I think I know why. I had I not been talking to this guy I never would have realized this part of it. So yes, that is part of WHY ROCKFORD!!!
On the drive home from the boat I realized that in Oct.-Nov. I really stopped listening to music, because I didn't want to interfere with anyone else spiritual experiences...which means I stopped listening to God...I know a shock considering what was going on at that time. So the only time I only listened to music was when I was driving at that time I had a cd playing in my car called the Ten Virgins, and there was a song that always hit me. When I drove away for the last time...that song started playing and I finally got what it said.
But that doesn't work for Disney, when I got to the hotel room, sick and alone for the first time in 6-7 months I realized that I hadn't been listening to God, so He talked and I just listened. I had been listening to music at that point, so maybe it was just the wrong songs which can happen.
Now today I heard What Do You Say, by Reba, and there is a point in the song where it say you just need listen to the silence and give yourself time to think. It talks about talking from your heart...i think that is what I need to apply to my music.

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