Thursday, June 9, 2011

We All Bleed Red

In March I was asked to work for my mom, I didn't want to but I did it. The first week started well, I thought maybe this wouldn't be so bad, I was back in the kitchen again, I was open myself up for the first time since Nov...then came the missing keys. I had go to a church activity on Thursday night, when I went to get my car key the next day for work they weren't in my jacket, so I looked in one other place, before calling my mother to let her know and inform the manger, (which I would have done personally, if I had her number.) Then figured out a plan with my mother before I looked any further. Sure enough I didn't have them, they were in my mom's car 25 miles away. So I made it to work and hour late...only to walking to a conversation about how I was getting special treatment because I was the boss' daughter ( if I had gotten special treatment I wouldn't of had to show up at all...or at least in my mind, and I got there as fast as I could as it was.) Well I heard it, but acted outwardly that I hadn't but inside I was PISSED!!! My mother has never allowed her children to ever get special treatment because of her, if we got it we EARNED IT PERSONALLY.
Well the woman who said it found out that I heard, and asked my mother if there was a way that we could meet up so she could apologize to me personally. She was told to send a card, and maybe I would agree to meet up with her. I found out on Tuesday that this was going down, then received her card the next day. I've been trying to if I was able and ready to forgive her, so I prayed about it and came up with an interesting answer. I was really hoping to have time to make it happen, but when I got the card I was still trying to decide if I was ready to forgive her when the thought popped into my mind, "You've been waiting to know that you've been forgiven of your own sins, do I think her waiting is any easier. And that she want's to have this burden lifted  just as much as me."  I knew at that point I had to call her now, and not make her wait any longer for her to ask for forgiveness. Then I continued to pray that I'd be able to accept her apology sincerely.
So at lunch, she wouldn't let me hid my pain, she made me look, instead of letting me kind of laugh it out and drop my eyes so she couldn't see the pain. I told her that I had prayed that I would be able to accept her apology, to which she replied, "You should never have to accept someone hurting you, just their sincere forgiveness."  She doesn't know how much that helps me. I made it through the rest of lunch really enjoying it and talking, then on the way home I heard the song "We All Bleed Red," and I feel that was my answer to my pray about forgiving I only have to learn how to apply it to forgiving myself for letting someone else hurt me.
 I also feel that my putting her first helped me accomplish my impossible need to finish my niece's sock, so she can have it when Grandma and Grandpa come to visit.

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