Wednesday, June 8, 2011

God's wisdom.

My father was looking for some training that could help him get a raise...there was one he was really looking and wanting to attend but didn't get the grant money to attend when he was hoping to. So he asked to go to HASPA training in New York, this week, it wasn't the training he wanted and really wasn't sure what it would really do to help him, but it was more training for his job. When he arrived in New York and started his training he found out that if he passes the test at the end of the week, his name will go on an international list for HASPA inspections. He will also be the only person outside of Texas, and New York with this training at this moment, the instructors are really excited that he is there. They figure that he could be able to handle any inspections that cover the Midwest states, which will help the inspections happen quicker since he will be in the area, instead of the instructors having to travel from Texas to do them. My father also has realized that NO ONE at Purdue has this kind of training which may help him in getting a raise, because who else can say they are on an international inspection list???
No one of the thing that my father wants the most right now is that my mother be able to quit her job since it stresses her out A LOT!!! and she spends 12-14 hrs a day at work. If my father is able to get the raise he wants, and get to do inspections that will put him on a federal pay level for each inspection he may help him get that all that is left to do is sell a house and a boat.  The other plus is that if he has to fly to the locations of the inspection...that means more flight rewards, and possibly more hotel points, which means he might still be able to travel and see his kids wherever we may be.
Is anyone else seeing God's wisdom in this this??? And at some level I see God's humor in this also.

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