Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rhythm of knitting...and life

This weekend I learned yet another new knitting technique the Kitchener stitch, which is basically sew up a seam in your knitting. As I was trying to figure out this stitch I realized the pattern or rhythm of the stitch, and I had already come to realizes that once I figure out the rhythm of the stitch I could then do it without thinking, to much more about the new stitch. So this got me thinking about rhythms and how life has it's own rhythm, you are born, you learn to walk, you go to school for a very long time, but then that is where I realized I got out of rhythm with live. See in my last semester, in the school building, I knew I didn't want to work after school, I wanted to be a wife and mom. Well that isn't where my personal rhythm has taken me as of yet, so I have resisted my rhythm of life. I haven't been willing to work because, that truly isn't what I want, but what I want hasn't appeared either so now I'm not only out of rhythm, I'm completely out of sync with the music of my life. So now I am learning to find my rhythm willingly and yes be willingly to work because that is what I need to get my rhythm back. I have to learn that even if it isn't the job I want or have had in mind I still need it, and my employer needs me. Even if I'll be moving shortly to a location not yet known. No, I don't have a job as yet, but I still have to be willing to look and accept the ones that come to me.

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