Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Priesthood Blessings

I have to admit I love priesthood blessing, I love that the can forewarn you of what's about to happen. In the last two it has mentioned my health which has me worried and wondering, and kind of laugh that at least I get a heads up warning. It's also amazing how fast I start getting sick right after those blessings, though. Right now I wouldn't classify me as sick yet, but a sore throat and an ear that is acting funny. So I'll wait and see what happens with this but for now I know that my doctor's office is amazing if you sound really sick they try to get you in as fast a possible, but I have to say I'm tired of being sick...especially with colds. I feel that with a cold you're not really sick, your just not as healthy as you could be so I continue to push myself because I'm not sick. But if it were something that is so much bigger than 'just a cold,' I would have no problem knowing that I'm sick and figuring out what to do or even call the doctor earlier than the point that my throat is so swollen that I can't breath or swallow.

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