Monday, June 20, 2011

Healing with knitting

When I started knitting I realized that it was part of my healing process, I was beginning to heal emotional, and spiritual, from the past hurts. I was told in a priesthood blessing that I would be sick, but that I would know the way to heal myself. So as I was packing to spend a week on the boat at Lake Michigan, I packed this book call The Dynamic Law of Healing by Catherine Ponder, it is a book that was bought for me years ago because of my headaches that I suffer from daily...well I never read it, but I read her other book that was bought at the same time The Dynamic Law of Prosperity. Well when this blessing mentioned I would be able to heal myself, this was one of the two ways that popped into my head that it could be done. So I went to the bookshelf that it had been on, and it wasn't there since I had started packing up my books, that had me wondering which of the three or four totes that I have packed was it in. Well I had just emptied one to get rid of winter clothes, so I started with that one, and sure enough it was in it. YEAH!!! Now I have tried to read other self help books before, but I always get caught up in the list of things that I need to be working on and can't seem to finish the book because it just overwhelms me, but I was able to finish this one in 3 DAYS!!! I even took time to stop after every chapter and decide if that was something I needed to work on, I drove to Chicago and then did nothing the rest of the day. As I finished the book I realized that on some level I had been already been working on most of it, through the repentance process, but now I need to send positive thought into and out of my body. So I can work on the physical and mental healing, which is where my knitting is now taking me, to finish my healing the rest of the my body, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It has and will continue to be a long process, with many bumps in the road.

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