Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Using my brain...

I had this interesting thought today, when I was finishing up my degree, I was taking 2 classes when I started dating, after finishing one of those I added a new classes. When I was taking the first to classes, my boyfriend was okay with me being in school because I needed his help on one of the classes. After I started the last class, he didn't like me being in school, because I didn't need his help with it. So here is what caught my attention this morning, as long as I need his brain and knowledge it was okay, but the moment I no longer required his brain and knowledge it was no long acceptable. I was thinking for myself, using my knowledge and my brain to him that meant he wasn't able to control me and that was wrong to him. I comment about my sister's marriage that once she got married he took her brain and she was no longer to think for herself. I really know that was where I was and how I did it for a month and a half I don't know...but glad it wasn't six years and counting.

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