Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Talking with Eli

I have to say this and in a place where I can't get in trouble from my sister for it...this is the second time I've been able to talk to my sister and get something important from it...not just listening to her talking about breast feeding, and other mommy things that I don't want to listen to for 2hrs plus. So I have to wonder if this goes back to my priesthood blessings and being told to talk to my family and to share with them my thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Granted even now it is mostly her talking, but with at least me, I do actually am starting to get to be able to share some myself...just not about breast, maybe tomorrow though :) I'll share last weeks helpful hints. Since I've been talking to Doug from Iowa and seeing how hard it is to date with a 6 hrs drive separating us, she mentioned I should plan a trip to where he lives and do so serious job hunting in person for about 3 weeks, since I've used google to really look up what I'm already interested in for a new that is in the works. I think I'll head out for a week while my parents are visiting grand babies... Then I called her about genealogy, I was looking for some female temple names which she didn't have. But she gave me an amazing idea about how to organize my temple names for Doug, so he would know which could be seal right after finishing their endowments and which of them couldn't. So what we did is take a temple envelop, you know the kind you get back after printing a new batch of names, and probably have a lot of...okay those. Look up each name individual and check if their father's work has been done if it has place it in a newly marked envelop "Ready to Seal." We then wrote that name on the outside of it with whatever work he has to have done before he can be sealed. That way when Doug, goes through the temple all he has to do, is look before he goes in if it can that person can be sealed afterwards or not. When he's done he can also put the name back in the correct envelop without my help...we hope. If the father's work isn't done that name gets place in an envelop marked, "Not Ready to Seal," or to something of that effect, and again the name and what work needs to be done is on the outside of the envelop. Now what my sister does so she makes sure to place the person back in the right family, since we've always tried to group them by family, is she takes the paper clipped family and paper them to the outside of the envelop while she's doing the work for that one person. So when she's finished for the day that name can be group back to their family very easily which I like also. You could as then keep it there when you leave so you could work on that one family until you've done all their work, instead of just grabbing a name at random. Tomorrow I'll share's today's helpful hint, but I want to think and talk it out with Doug first...sorry. Stay tuned until tomorrow.

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