Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nauvoo part 2

Since Celeste asked for it I'll finish giving my recap of the weekend...So I last left you with me thinking (I know that comes as a shock to everyone, me thinking) at the Nauvoo Temple. After I finished the work I was doing I hurried to out to met the two guys I came with, Doug and his friend James, hoping I hadn't kept them waiting to long. Only to find out I was the first one done YES, they weren't waiting on me, then came the fun part of trying to round up my sons, that where to be baptized. Only they didn't have them and I didn't have the sheet or even the knowledge of a their names or know if they even got done. So I was given the names that the guys had done endowments on the temple workers hoping those where the names I was looking for, but they weren't. So we hurried up to go back to Camp Nauvoo, and get my sheet of paper with my sons names on it, the guys changed quickly hoping to make it back to the temple then go and see the Joseph Smith movie, no such luck. By the time the guys got change we had a few minutes to either head straight to the movie and hope we didn't forget the names or skip the movie an go to the temple. We went to the temple which was a good thing, I got my names and as I walked out there was a girl that I had seen at the conference waiting for a ride. Okay, I didn't realize she knew Doug or James, so I asked if she wanted a ride back to camp, she said no she'd wait so I got in the car. Doug was out and trying to help her to decided to go with us, at this moment maybe I should add that since she knew them and wouldn't get in the car still maybe I should of taken that as a hint to get out of the car. LOL! After Doug seriously trying to get her in the car, he finally offered her popcorn, just to get her in the car and back to camp so us girls could change before going site seeing. At the offer of popcorn, I started laughing...I mean we're taught not to get in a car with someone offering candy but popcorn is safe I guess, and Doug realized the moment he said it how wrong it sounded and I would have catch it and he would be in trouble for saying and would hear about it later, and boy did he. Lol. So we go back to camp I change faster than the other girls gets out of the car and walking towards Doug, needless to say he was impressed. We go to the visitor center to find the people the girl was suppose to get a ride such luck. But I saw an amazing pic. of the Nauvoo Temple by the upstairs offices and one of the missionaries reluctantly took me up there for a closer look, only to that what I thought looked like water from the main floor really was WATER, so we asked questions about where the water came from, and it also has lightening in the background, you couldn't tell that from the main floor. So I'm happy we got a closer look at it. We walked out by the Women's Monuments, waiting for the movie to end and find the girl who rode there with us. Found her, she didn't find her ride to the temple so we went back to camp and tied fleece blankets which was interesting and eat. Then head out to kill time before the dance, we went down Parley Street to the Mississippi. What I loved about that was the marker of all how died on the trail, on the other side it says "To Those Who are Lost From Our Records, but REMEMBERED Unto the Savior." That really hit me...we can trace our genealogy back to who came over to American but can't seemed to go beyond that point. I feel that they are lost to us, when I went to the Chicago Temple last time I was told that "my sons," would help, which is why I call them that. I was also told I might be surprised where I would get the help to find them. So I realized before Nauvoo, that they are lost to me but God knows where they are, how to find them, who will help, and even who will find them. I don't care if I find them, I just want the family to be able to find them so we can start their work and move forward...if going back in the past is moving forward. Then last night as I was reading my scriptures I came in Luke 15:8 that says: 8 ¶Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it? 
Okay, not sure that is quite the scripture I was reading, but it has the main point if I seek my family diligently I will find them or those that can help will come into my life. It just tied into what I've been working on and how I feel about getting beyond where I'm at. Okay so back to Nauvoo...we went to the dance and the chaperon that I had talked to the night before was there (he wasn't suppose to be.) He made a comment about how he'd seen me all night with guys where were they I pointed behind me. I said they had my back, we danced and I go back to sit down. Then later I realized that I was not being involved just sitting back and watching so I texted him and told him I would stop hiding and start dancing. So I dance a portion of the dance before the lights and jumping got to my head. We played a game of croquet, and he went back to dancing...the night end with me getting a head massage from him which helped and me laughing about how it was to bad he couldn't go home with me, (should of offered popcorn,) because I would really need a head massage after that drive. Sunday, I drove Doug to choir practice so I could go back later and get the girls he offered rides too and he could still do what he wanted to do since he had gone out of his way for ever one else. At the testimony meeting, one of the guys from Mexico bore his testimony about how Christ teaches us to love everyone, later I applied that to one of the lesson about DENIM SKIRTS in the chapel and we should spend our times obsessing over the stupid little things that people do, but instead let go of the DENIM SKIRT MOMENTS and focus on LOVING the person instead. It was a long way drive home trying to figuring a Denim Skirt moment from the weekend, I have to say it would be hard for me to love that person. Anyway, I also heard a testimony about how coming home from a mission is hard on the R.M. because he doesn't KNOW his family any longer since it been 2 years of changes for him and his family. NOT what I wanted to hear, it almost had me crying, not with baby boy just submitting his paper this last week. It's hard enough to think of two years without him, but for him to not know us anymore...not cool. Pretty much that was the end of the trip to Nauvoo, a sack lunch with Doug and I talking before we both had to drive home, finalizing some arrangement's about him coming to the boat in Oct. and that was it. 
Again I hope you enjoy my thoughts, comments, and commentary on my trip to Nauvoo. Thanks for sticking with it and making it to the end. 

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