Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Let Go and Let God.

I was texting a friend back in May about my sin and how I can't forgive myself, and he replied back, "Let go and let God." I just loved how that sounded, and how simple it seemed, so I started forgiving the past, especially him. I started to realize how the past was connected to my sin and why I let it happen. So I started letting go and letting God take the pain away. It worked, the pain seems to be gone, then last week I read a book that talked about forgiving everyone that you ever felt hurt you, and praying that you would know who you need to forgive and that they forgive you. You do all of this because if you don't forgive others you are blocking blessing that Heavenly Father has in store for you like peace and health, which I need. Now this week I picked up a series that I had read before, but as I reread it I kept seeing the words, Let Go and Let God. It stated that if you try to control your life you aren't trusting Heavenly Father to take care of you, and again your blocking whatever good he had in stored for you. I realized that I try to control my life so much, I know how I want my life to turn out, and I don't mean I have plans.  I don't leave room for any change, I don't leave room for Heavenly Father to guide me to the life he wants for me, because I have trust issues. I don't trust him to want the best for me and help me achieve it. I have always just wanted to be the daughter that He wants me to be, do and live the life He wants me to live, but I don't trust Him to do it...without hurting me, maybe. I have been praying this last year for the job that I feel that He wanted me to have, but I'm not sure how it will come about, which makes me still try to plan out this dream job, even now the job has changed a bit I'm still trying to tell Him how it should be done. It is something that I'm not sure how to Let Go and Let God, I know that if I do He will take control and make it come about which is what I want. So here goes everything I'm Letting Go and Letting God take control of the job I want, all it entails, and letting the blessing come with this job be blessing of His choosing.


  1. That's a REALLY hard lesson to learn, too...both forgiveness and letting God take the reigns. At least you're on the journey! I totally can relate...I, too, have some serious trust issues with the Lord, mostly because in the past doing things HIS way has been so painful (wonderful end results, but very hard along the way)...hopefully I can work harder on letting go and letting God, too!

  2. I hope so, I don't expect it to be easy, because what in my life has been. I just want to know that I'm doing what He asks of me, and like you said at some point He will make all the pain, hurt, stress, and heartache worth it. It's just making it to that point and seeing it along the way also. Maybe you and I will be able to remind each other to forgive, to let go and let God, and to learn to trust God.
